
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 44 - Agents of SHIELD "Watchdogs" and "Spacetime"
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
Sunday Apr 24, 2016
This week, on a Very Special Agents of SHIELD....we cover both "Watchdogs" and "Spacetime" in one supersized episode. Obvious allusions to terrorism and enhanced interrogation are obvious, and James Bond villainy abounds. John and Jen earn that new iTunes tag this week, talking about revealing fashion choices on the new "Cloak and Dagger" series on Freeform, Nitramine hickeys, as well as horrifying flashbacks to 80s TV's attempts to tackle serious issues. Oh, and sweet Asian cinnamon rolls. Just...don't ask.

Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 43 - Agents of SHIELD "Parting Shot"
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
Tuesday Mar 29, 2016
In this episode of ESMCU,John and Jen take a moment to talk about iTunes "explicit" vs. "clean" ratings, as well as Marvel/Disney's statement regarding a proposed law in Georgia that would allow for GLBTdiscrimination. Along the way we end up talking about Jon Favreau's "Chef", a director of "Sherlock," Garry Shandling, and the difference between Captain Britain and Union Jack. Jen mispronounces the names of some new hires for "Marvel's Most Wanted," and we talk about where things go from here for Bobbi and Hunter. Where does their story go from here, and can the rest of the team carry on without two of their best agents?

Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 42 - Agents of SHIELD "Inside Man"
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
In this week's episode of Agents of SHIELD, Coulson wears nerd glasses, Talbot wears a dress, and "Ward" gets a makeover! John and Jen also talk a little about season two of Daredevil (no spoilers, sweetie!), as well as the upcoming return of a familiar face on SHIELD, Vision wearing a suit, and Marvel finally getting a clue when it comes to marketing to a wider audience.

Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 41 - Agents of SHIELD "Bouncing Back"
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Agents of SHIELD returns after its midseason hiatus, and between trailers, casting news and everything else going on in the MCU, it's been a busy week! John and Jen look at all the latest MCU news, and then tackle Agents of SHIELD's "Bouncing Back." The Agent Formerly Known as Ward gets super-creepy, Coulson gets his Jack Bauer on, and romance is brewing on the Quinjet this week. Fitzsimmons' hits the reset button on their relationship, while Lincoln and Daisy get busy, and Mac hits it off with new Inhuman "Yo-Yo" Rodriguez. All this, #thereswidow, and Legos on this week's Earth Station MCU!

Tuesday Mar 08, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 40 - Agent Carter, "Hollywood Ending"
Tuesday Mar 08, 2016
Tuesday Mar 08, 2016

Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016

Monday Feb 29, 2016
ESMCU Episode 38: Agent Carter, "The Life of the Party" and "Monsters"
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Monday Feb 29, 2016
Oy. Some days the audio gods are kind, and some days they are not. And sometimes you leave the pop filter off the mic, and it sounds like you're recording in a wind tunnel. Mea cupla, Marvel Universe. Fortunately, there's a lot of fun stuff to talk about, including "Guardians" casting, James Gunn sightings in Atlanta, Anthony Mackie's on-air slip-up, Ward's fate on Agents of SHIELD, and ...how much longer is it until Daredevil is back?

Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episosde 37 - Agent Carter "The Atomic Job"
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Tuesday Feb 23, 2016
Let's pour one out for Jen's deceased computer...and celebrate the return of ESMCU! In this episode, John and Jen talk about the future of Agent Carter, MCU ads at the Super Bowl, and a monumental feat of Lego engineering. This week's adventure with Agent Carter and the SSR crew had slapstick, a heist (making the Leverage-style title appropriate), and the addition of Rose and Samberly to the SSR team, as well as an end to the Sousa/Violet 'ship. On a scale of one to five Pink Monstrosities, how would you rate this episode?

Monday Feb 08, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 36: Agent Carter, "Smoke and Mirrors"
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016

Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 35: Agent Carter, "Better Angels"
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
Thursday Feb 04, 2016
One of the hallmarks of Agent Carter's first season was its willingness to look at gender issues during its period setting, and this season continues the trend, while adding another issue: race. This week's episode both explicitly and implicitly addresses the erasure of African-Americans from the stories of the time period, but this is not the first time race has been an issue in the MCU, whether in front of the camera or behind. The "whitewashing" of the Ancient One in Doctor Strange has alternately been praised and criticized, while rumors of an Asian Iron Fist bring up some of the racist stereotyping that would probably offend modern audiences, but was seen as acceptable for the times in which they were written.