
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 54: Doctor Strange
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
Saturday Nov 12, 2016
John and Jen take a break from the usual Agents of SHIELD reviews to check out the latest MCU cinematic offering - Doctor Strange! With mind-blowing special effects and one of the most talented casts we've seen in the MCU, expectations were high for the Sorceror Supreme. Who are we to judge? We're Earth Station MCU, and we've come to bargain!

Saturday Nov 05, 2016
Saturday Nov 05, 2016
In this double episode of Earth Station MCU, John and Jen review both "Let Me Stand Next to Your Fire" and "Lockout". But before that, there's man-tears falling over the announcement of all female directors for season two of Jessica Jones, new casting for Defenders and Punisher, as well as confirmations from Kevin Feige on who will be in Infinity War, the possibility of future crossovers. All this and Halloween cosplay fun on this episode of Earth Station MCU!

Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 52: Agents of SHIELD "Uprising"
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
Tuesday Nov 01, 2016
In this episode of Earth Station MCU, John and Jen recap all the news from New York Comic Con, including all the latest about Marvel's Netflix series. Sigourney Weaver will plan Defenders' big bad...but who will that be? Kevin Feige weighs in on Blade rumors, and Agent Carter returns...but not the way we were hoping. All this and a nail-biter of a SHIELD episode....even without Carrot Top!

Saturday Oct 29, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 51: Luke Cage Season 1
Saturday Oct 29, 2016
Saturday Oct 29, 2016
Sweet Christmas! In this episode, John and Jen review the long-awaited third entry into the Netflix side of the MCU, with season one of Luke Cage. The series that broke the internet, crashing Netflix for several hours the day after it was released, earned widespread acclaim not only from geek media but also from sources as varied as the Wall Street Journal to the Christian Science Monitor, and Ebony to The Atlantic. Featuring a large cast, three different major villains, and causing tears of outrage from internet trolls who protested the lack of racial diversity (...seriously?!), Luke Cage is among the MCU's most talked-about heroes. Tune in to hear John and Jen dissect the "bulletproof black man," revealing easter eggs, connections to the MCU, and how it stacks up against the rest of Marvel's properties.

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 50: Agents of SHIELD "Meet the New Boss"
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Hello Marvel Universe, and welcome to our 50th episode of Earth Station MCU! In this week's episode, John and Jen talk about Kaicillius and Wong in Doctor Strange, Korg in Ragnorok, Strange in Infinity War and....Back to the Future in Luke Cage? This week's episode of Agents of SHIELD has action, intrigue, and Easter Eggs connecting current plotlines to people, places, and things from Marvel history, including the identity of the slick new Director, Jeffrey Mace. Will he be an ally or adversary to the team? Inhuman, monster, or both?
Remember to review us on iTunes, Podbean, or wherever fine podcasts are found, and stay in touch with John, Jen and other MCU fans on our Facebook group!

Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 49: Agents of SHIELD "The Ghost"
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Hello Marvel Universe!
John and Jen are back from hiatus, and ready to review the first episode of Agents of SHIELD - "The Ghost". It's gonna be YUGE, simply YUGE! With the addition of Robbie/Ghost Rider, as well as Dr. Radcliffe becoming a main-cast character, we have a lot of cool stuff coming up this season. And can we talk about those effects? Did they blow the whole season's budget on this episode? All this, and casting news on Ragnorok, the Russos on the lack of death in Civil War, Luke Cage, and some unconfirmed but very interesting rumors about Red Skull and Punisher...
On a scale of one to five flaming skulls, one being terrible and five being Best Flaming Skull Ever, how would you rate this episode? Let us know at earthstationmcu@gmail.com, and rate us on Podbean, iTunes, or wherever fine podcasts are found.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Earth Station MCU Episode 48: Agents of SHIELD Season 3 Recap
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Hello Marvel Universe!
We're back from summer hiatus, but before we give you our review of the first episode of the new season, here's a "vintage" episode left over from the end of last season. Recap the best and the worst of the end of last season before diving into a whole new post-Sokovia world in our next episode! All this and....the latest news as of May. Hey. It's bespoke and vintage! You'll love it.

Wednesday May 25, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 47 - Captain America: Civil War
Wednesday May 25, 2016
Wednesday May 25, 2016
FINALLY! At long last, John and Jen share their thoughts on Civil War, Baron Zima (admit it, he's kind of watered down and 80s as villains go), and how the Sokovia Accords will impact the larger MCU. Are we #teamironman, #teamcap, or #teamunderoos? Tune in to this episode of Earth Station MCU to find out, and let us know what you think on our Facebook group, Earth Station MCU, or by emailing us at earthstationmcu@gmail.com!

Monday May 02, 2016
Monday May 02, 2016
On this week's Earth Station MCU, we have another supersized double-header episode, as John and Jen discuss the Agents of SHIELD episodes, "The Team" and "The Singularity". And news - so much news! Inhumans is shelved, Punisher is getting his own solo series, WHIH is back with more in-world Marvel news - did you hear Pym Tech is having layoffs, and that General Ross is retiring? Oh, and there's some movie coming out this weekend. We figure we'll check it out and see if it's any good...

Monday Apr 25, 2016
Earth Station MCU: Episode 45: Agents of SHIELD "Paradise Lost"
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Monday Apr 25, 2016
Like what you hear? Give us a rating on your podcast purveyor of choice (iTunes, Podbean, Google Plus, etc.) or drop us a line at earthstationmcu@gmail.com!