
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Earth Station MCU Episode Eleven: "Love in the Time of Hydra"
Monday Apr 06, 2015
Monday Apr 06, 2015

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU - Episode 10
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
There’s a new Daredevil trailer, John has his Lego Quinjet, and Jen is stoked that Marvel is talking about actually marketing toys to girls….and that’s just the beginning! Join Jen and John for the episode that is not actually called “That’s What She Said”; Jen just can’t seem to remember that it’s “Who You Really Are.”

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU - Episode 9
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Agents of SHIELD is back! Not only that, we have a new Age of Ultron trailer, news about Daredevil and Luke Cage, a little bit of cosplay chat and….did we mention new SHIELD? Join Jen and John for the All Inhumans, All Day All Night Dance Party!

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU - Episode 8
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Agent Carter covered a lot of ground in eight episodes, and the final episode had to finish out the story arc as well as tying up a lot of loose ends. In addition to reviewing Peggy’s final story, Jen, John and Mike talk about what’s coming up next on SHIELD, and how “it’s all connected” to past and upcoming movies in the MCU. Will we be seeing Captain Catfish keeping the Hudson River safe from evil, having consumed super soldier blood? Tune in to hear our predictions!

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU - Episode 7
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
They’re not kidding when they called this episode S.N.A.F.U. — the SSR loses yet another agent, Dottie gets a snazzy new outfit and baby carriage, we get to see an early experimental prototype of Extremis, and…..HEY — didn’t I see that plotline last weekend in “Kingsmen”? Jen, John and George are back to discuss the penultimate episode of “Agent Carter,” in a slightly abbreviated episode due to everyone being crazy busy this week!

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU - Episode 6
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
From the news about Spider-Man to “the darkest gates of the Abyss,” Jen, Mike Gordon and Drew Leiter discuss this week’s big deal between Sony and Marvel, as well as “A Sin to Err,” this week’s Agent Carter episode. Is Spidey getting his own movie? Are we going to have to get the freakin’ origin story AGAIN? Is it even going to be Peter Parker, or maybe Miles Morales? As the end of “Agent Carter” draws near, how can they wrap everything up in just two more episodes? We don’t know any more than you do, but we’ve got Opinions!

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU - Episode 5
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Earth Station MCU is back, and in this episode Jen, John and George discuss the latest action-packed episode of “Agent Carter,” “The Iron Ceiling”. The Howling Commandos are back and Peggy is in her element again, commanding a group and getting stuff done. But how will that affect her relations with the SSR back home? We also talk about the week’s MCU news, including more new casting for Jessica Jones, prequel comic info on Age of Ultron and Ant Man…and Pymp Particles. That’s a thing now.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Earth Station MCU- Episode 3
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
No new “Agent Carter” this week, but Earth Station MCU is back with our third episode! While there are no movies set in the period following Agent Carter up to the start of Phase One with Iron Man, we know a lot about the characters who were influencing events in the MCU during that time. Join Jen, John, Brian and The Phantom Troublemaker as we talk about this week’s news, the Ant-Man trailer, upcoming MCU toy releases and much more!

Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Earth Station MCU- Episode 2
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Wednesday Apr 01, 2015
Jen, George, and Mr. Mike Gordon discuss Episode 3 of “Agent Carter,” as the SSR loses an agent, the Griffith Hotel loses a resident, and we lose our minds at the sheer awesomeness of the new Avengers: Age of Ultron trailer! Does the second week of “Agent Carter” live up to the action packed opening? Can Age of Ultron cram more characters than ever into one movie, set up all of Phase Three and still make a good movie worth watching? Check out Episode Two of Earth Station: MCU to find out!